History: 1990-1995
President: Sandy Finerman
Vice-president: Carmen Wendt
Secretary: Gary Lentz
Treasurer: Carolyn Rivera
Workshop Director: Michael Fox
In-service: Faith Harris
JEA State Director: Peggy Gregory
Contest Coordinator: Susan Lindsey
1991 Forest Martin Award: Sandy Fox
Fall Convention: Oct 11-12, Holidome, Diane Houpt, $2,432.67 profit
Spring Convention: Salpointe Catholic High School; Dave Cosgrove, chair. Theme: “Back to Your Future.” Keynote: Gary Lundgren, editor of Pica and Points magazine. 215 students attended with 37 advisers
Summer Workshop: Summer workshop was held At NAU July 28-Aug. 1 Attendance was about 100. Teachers were paid $500 plus room and board. Counselors were paid $200 plus room and board. Workshop teachers include: John Baab, Santa Rita High School; Burdette Bee, Palo Verde High School; Kerry Benson, Chandler High School; Dianne Braden, Carl Hayden High School, Peggy Gregory, Greenway High School; Carmen Wendt, Sahuaro High School; and Al Leonard, El Dorado High School, Anaheim, CA.
Board Business:
• In 1990 the Arizona Republic and the Phoenix Gazette donated $5,000 to AIPA. A total of $1,500 was set aside for the Summer Workshop at NAU (12 $100 scholarships to deserving students and three $100 scholarships to new teachers who needed training.)
• Colleen DiBiase agreed to keep books for a one-year transition period.
• At the March AIPA meeting, many members expressed the need for better communication between the Board and membership. Tony Gomez suggested that a slate of officers and ballots be sent out prior to the election.
• At the May 5 AIPA board meeting Cheryl Sackman, CSPA vice-president, expressed a need for sessions dealing with literary magazines to be included at conventions and at the summer workshop.
• AIPA, as a representative of Arizona, gave $100 as a contribution to the Athmann defense fund in behalf of an adviser defending her dismissal as yearbook adviser over First Amendment rights.
• AIPA bought a new Macintosh LC computer with image printer from Simutec for about $3,000 to be used by the Membership-Treasurer.
• Joe Pfeiff was to query state universities about possible affiliation with AIPA.
-Updated by Sherry Casillas, January, 2001
President: Carmen Wendt
Vice-president: Dave Cosgrove
Secretary: Gary Lentz
Treasurer: Carolyn Rivera
Workshop Director: Michael Fox
In-Service: Faith Harris
Past President: Sandy Fox
JEA State Director: Peggy Gregory
1992 Forest Martin Award: Carmen Wendt
Fall Convention: Nov. 22, YWCA of USA Leadership and Development Center in Phoenix, November 22 Numbers were limited because the Board did not have time to put together a large, convention and the facility would only hold 300 people.
Spring Convention: The board suggested a quality, well-organized convention be held during the second week of March, one full day on a Friday held at a facility in Phoenix.
Summer Workshop: The summer workshop was held at NAU. Attendance was approximately the same as it had been for the last three years—around 100. Students gave good critiques of all the teachers. Faculty: Kerry Benson, John Babb, Ray Sly, Cheryl Sackmann, Dave Cosgrove, Al Leonard (California), Sylvia Daughtry (Atlanta).
Board Business:
• John Bowen of JEA wrote a letter to AIPA about states that are attempting to pass anti-Hazelwood legislation. Jim Patton at the U of A is pursuing this.
• Two resignations: Cheryl Sackmann as fall convention coordinator; Dave Cosgrove as vice-president. The board discussed the need for an executive secretary to alleviate some of the work load on officers. Joe Pfeiff checked with other state organizations. Most were affiliated with a college or university that paid a portion of their salary and the state organization paid the rest—sometimes up to $10,000.
• After considerable discussion about the contest categories for newspaper and yearbook and the viability of the Sweepstakes Award, the Board made these changes:
1) Abolish the Sweepstakes Award and make the General Excellence Award for both newspaper and yearbook.
2) Expand and revise the categories in newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine to encourage more participation.
• In an effort to reach out to the community, the Board voted to ask every convention participant to bring two food items to donate to local charities. Recognition was given to the school who brought the most food.
• It was decided that the JEA Student Journalist winner must be from a school that is also an AIPA member.
• The Board was reorganized so that no member would have an extremely difficult job (such as Membership/Treasurer now has), and so that more advisers would be involved and be a part of the board. Suggested changes include two vice-presidents (one in charge of membership and one in charge of PR), two secretaries (one to be in charge of minutes and one to be in charge of the newsletter), more coordinators—one per county, four for Maricopa, two for Pima, and cluster non-member counties, the treasurer in charge of money-related matters with remaining positions staying the same.
-Updated by Sherry Casillas, January, 2001
President: Carmen Wendt
Vice-president: Jacki Romey
Recording Secretary: Carolyn Rivera
Corresponding Secretary: Gary Lentz
Treasurer: Jill Farkas
Workshop Director: Michael Fox
Contest Coordinator: Kerry Benson
Past President: Sandy Fox
Area Coordinators: Greg Anderson, Yvonne Lopez, Sheila Carter, Deanne Hutchison, Jill Green, Steve Abaroa, Romy Harder
JEA State Director: Peggy Gregory
Executive Secretary: Jim Martin, Scottsdale Community College
1993 Forest Martin Award: Yvonne Lopez
Fall Convention: Oct. 20, ASU; Kathy Daly spoke to yearbook delegates. The Arizona Republic provided speakers for newspaper. Board members Jill Farkas, Faith Harris, Peggy Gregory, Yvonne Lopez, Steve Abaroa and Sandy Fox helped organize the convention. 56 schools attended: 447 newspaper students, 231 yearbook students, and 60-65 advisers.
Spring Convention: March 27, YWCA Leadership Development Center in Phoenix, March 27
Summer Workshop: Summer Workshop was held August 2-6 at NAU. Faculty included Kerry Benson, Peggy Gregory, Al Leonard, Carmen Wendt, Diane Braden, Mary Sverdrup, and Sydni Simon. Attendance was 108, and the workshop made an approximate $1,000 profit.
Board Business:
• Jim Martin of Scottsdale Community College is appointed as the new executive secretary. Joe Pfeiff helped conduct the search.
• At the January meeting Jill Farkas volunteered to serve as vice-president until the new elections in the spring. Steve Abaroa compiled a new newsletter to be mailed out to the membership.
• Contests Coordinator Kerry Benson reported that 25 schools entered the newspaper contests and 10 schools entered the yearbook contests. Some new categories were suggested for next year’s contests: for yearbook, a people’s section category, a mini-mag category, and an organizations category; for newspaper, an advertising category.
• Concerning a convention chair for fall, two proposals were given: (1) That the past president assume this job and (2) that four area coordinators work on one convention, and then the other four work on the other.
• The yearbook and literary magazine contests at this year’s fall convention will be on-site contests. Advisers will bring their yearbooks and literary magazines to the convention and they will be judged the day of the convention. There will be one newspaper write-off contest.
• Nothing yet has been resolved about AIPA’s affiliation with a university or college. Jim Martin of Scottsdale Community College expressed interest in serving as our executive secretary. The board agreed to pursue this.
Recognition: Michael J. Fox received Medal of Merit at JEA Spring Convention. Peggy Gregory was nationally recognized by Dow Jones as one of 14 outstanding teachers. Riley Staven-Wilkinson from Dobson High School won JEA High School Journalist of the Year for Arizona.
-Updated by Sherry Casillas, January, 2001
President: Kerry Benson
Vice-President: Jackie Romey
Corresponding Secretary: Gary Lentz
Recording Secretary: Carolyn Rivera
Treasurer: Jill Farkas
Workshop Director: Michael Fox
In-Service: Sandy Fox
Contest Coordinator: Steve Abaroa
Coordinators: Steve Abaroa , Greg Anderson, Romy Harder, Jennie Maden, Jill Green, Yvonne Lopez, Linda Zello, Faith Harris, Deanne Hutchison
Past President: Carmen Wendt
Executive Secretary: Jim Martin, Scottsdale Community College
JEA State Director: Peggy Gregory
Fall Convention: Oct. 11, ASU. Keynote speaker: Barbara Neder, education and literacy manager for LA Times. There were 54 schools that attended with approximately 750 students. Profit was $7,765.
Spring Convention: Scottsdale Community College, April 2. Kerry Benson announced that there would be 3-4 categories for literary magazine and 20 categories for newspaper and yearbook. There was no sweepstakes award. Plaques were given to winners with a trophy for general excellence. Schools were allowed two entries per category.
Summer Workshop: Summer workshop was held at NAU August 1-5. Dave Fitzsimmons, political cartoonist for the Arizona Daily Star, was the keynote speaker.
Board Business:
• It is felt that AIPA is a volunteer organization, but that board members should not be incurring expense to serve. A motion was passed that as of Feb. 1, 1990, board members will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred due to their position. Costs will include lunch at meetings and conventions, registrations, half of a double room at convention hotel, and 20 cents per mile to and from meetings and conventions. In addition, each board member will receive one free publication membership in AIPA and the JEA director’s membership shall be paid. The AIPA board has final approval rights for all expense requests.
• Vice-president Jacki Romey resigned her position because she moved out of state. Faith Harris was appointed new vice-president.
• Linda Pearce of Miami High School motioned that a draft or certificate be drafted that recognized those principals who support freedom of the press in scholastic journalism. It was carried.
• Lack of support at the summer workshop caused concern. By June only 54 students had registered, and 97 were needed to break even. Should summer workshop continue? Suggestions included moving the locale and making it a 3-day workshop instead of a week.
• Riley Staven-Wilkinson from Dobson High School in Mesa won JEA State Journalist Award. Mary Lou Picerno of Deer Valley High school won second place.
• Board approved a position statement on free speech for high school students by Deanne Hutchison
National Recognition: The Bisbee High School yearbook received a Silver Crown, Greenway High School’s yearbook received a Gold Crown, and Salpointe’s The Crusader received a Pacemaker.
-Updated by Sherry Casillas, January, 2001
President: Kerry Benson
Vice-president: Faith Harris
Recording Secretary: Deanne Hutchison
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Fox
Treasurer: Jill Farkas
Workshop Director: Michael Fox
Contest Coordinator: Steve Aboroa
JEA State Director: Peggy Gregory
1995 Forest Martin Award: Jill Farkas
State Journalist Award: Cristin Murphy, Greenway High School
Fall convention: ASU, October 10. A total of 324 newspaper students, 159 yearbook students, 51 photo students and 49 advisers attended. Thirty-four schools were represented (down from 43 schools the previous year).
Spring convention: March 25, 1995 at Salpointe Catholic High School.
Summer workshop:
The 1994 summer workshop was held at NAU July 31-Aug 4. Only 84 students attended. It was Michael Fox’s last year as workshop director. Over 50 choices of different types of classes for newspaper and yearbook students highlighted the week-long workshop.
Peggy Gregory and Dave Cosgrove will co-direct the 1995 summer workshop to be held June 25-29 at the Wyndham Metrocenter Hotel in Phoenix.
Board Business:
• Carmen Wendt was elected as the new JEA director.
Recognition: The following schools (listed in alphabetical order) won statewide, regional and national awards: CDO newspaper: George H. Gallup Quill & Scroll National 1st place award; Cortez newspaper: George H. Gallup Quill & Scroll National 1st Place Award, C.S.P.A. Medalist 1st Place Award; Globe (newspaper) Rocky Mountain Journalism Skills Contest–8th Place Sweepstakes; Greenway (newspaper) All American N.S.P.A. National Award, C.S.P.A. Medalist 1st Place Award; Palo Verde High (yearbook) A.S.P.A. 1st Place National Award; Saguaro (newspaper) 1st Place Quill & Scroll National Award (yearbook) 1st Place with 3 marks of distinction N.S.P.A., 1st Place with special merit A. S. P. A.
-Updated by Sherry Casillas, January, 2001